Academy of Management Review

Editorial Team


Kris Byron, Editor

Georgia State University
United States

Kris Byron, Meredith M. Leapley WomenLead professor at Georgia State University’s J. Mack Robinson College of Business, has published in leading management and psychology journals, including Academy of Management Review, Psychological Bulletin, and Organization Science. Her research interests include social information processing, creativity & innovation, and workplace diversity. She has served as senior editor of the Journal of Management, associate editor of the Academy of Management Review, and chair of the Academy of Management’s Research Methods Division. Her research has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many other newspapers and magazines in the United States and abroad.

Kris earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from Emory University. She has a master's degree in nonprofit management from Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and a Ph.D. in management (organizational behavior) from Georgia State University's Robinson College of Business.

Her previous work experience includes working for profit and nonprofit organizations in the areas of employee training, research, and development. She and her husband volunteer in animal rescue and have "foster-failed" twice—adopting her former fosters Moomoo (dog) and Tiki (cat).

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    Editorial Advisory Board

    Timothy Werner

    University of Texas at Austin

    Sarah Wittman

    George Mason University

    Simon Pek

    Associate Professor | University of Victoria

    Tracy Anderson

    Bocconi University

    Julianna Pillemer

    Assistant Professor | New York University (Stern)

    Grazia D. Santangelo

    Professor | Copenhagen Business School

    Jean-François Soublière

    HEC Montréal

    Alex Michael Murray

    Assistant Professor | University of Oregon

    Jeffrey Lovelace

    Assistant Professor | UVA - McIntire

    Marco Berti

    Associate Professor | Nova School of Business and Economics

    Akhil Bhardwaj

    Associate Professor | University of Bath, UK

    Paul Gouvard

    Assistant Professor | ESSEC Business School

    Elena Plaksenkova

    The Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business)

    Mike Zundel

    Professor | U. of Liverpool

    Kathleen Ann Stephenson

    Assistant Professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    Matthew Thomas Caulfield

    Assistant Professor | Fordham University

    Kathleen Keeler

    The Ohio State University

    Sam Horner

    University of Liverpool

    Robin Holt

    University of Bristol

    Michael Fuerstein

    St. Olaf College

    Ferran Torres

    Rotterdam School of Management

    Managing Editor


    Irina Burns

    Academy of Management

    Irina Burns joined AOM in 2015 with many years of publishing experience, focusing primarily on journals and copyright. She is currently Senior Managing Editor for Academy of Management Perspectives and Academy of Management Review, as well as Licensing Services Manager for the Academy.

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