Academy of Management Review

Editorial Team


Kris Byron, Editor

Georgia State University
United States

Kris Byron, Meredith M. Leapley WomenLead professor at Georgia State University’s J. Mack Robinson College of Business, has published in leading management and psychology journals, including Academy of Management Review, Psychological Bulletin, and Organization Science. Her research interests include social information processing, creativity & innovation, and workplace diversity. She has served as senior editor of the Journal of Management, associate editor of the Academy of Management Review, and chair of the Academy of Management’s Research Methods Division. Her research has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many other newspapers and magazines in the United States and abroad.

Kris earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from Emory University. She has a master's degree in nonprofit management from Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and a Ph.D. in management (organizational behavior) from Georgia State University's Robinson College of Business.

Her previous work experience includes working for profit and nonprofit organizations in the areas of employee training, research, and development. She and her husband volunteer in animal rescue and have "foster-failed" twice—adopting her former fosters Moomoo (dog) and Tiki (cat).

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    U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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    Professor | University of Alberta

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    University of Notre Dame

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    Professor | Texas A&M

    Abbie J. Shipp

    Texas Christian University

    Donald A. Lange

    Professor | Arizona State University

    Han Ming Daniel Chng

    Professor | China Europe International Business S

    Maxim Voronov

    Schulich School of Business, York University

    Sarah Harvey

    UCL School of Management

    Joep Cornelissen

    Rotterdam School of Management

    John Matthew Amis

    University of Edinburgh

    Shahzad Ansari

    Professor | University of Cambridge

    Shad S. Morris

    Brigham Young University

    Brent Scott

    Michigan State University

    Dana L. Haggard

    Professor | Missouri State University

    Heather Ciara Vough

    George Mason University

    Erik Ian Dane

    Washington University in St. Louis

    Michael Pfarrer

    Professor | University of Georgia

    Scott Sonenshein

    Rice University

    Lance Ferris

    University of Ottawa

    Lisa Michelle Leslie

    New York University

    Daniel Walter Elfenbein

    Professor | Washington University in St. Louis

    Renate Elisabeth Meyer

    WU Vienna & CBS Copenhagen

    Jaco Lok

    Professor | Macquarie University

    Morela Hernandez

    Full Professor | University of Michigan

    Doug Bosse

    Associate Dean | University of Richmond

    Guido Palazzo

    University of Lausanne

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    UNSW Sydney

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    University of South Carolina

    Tobias Hahn

    Professor | ESADE Business School

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    Saunders College of Business

    Stephen Sauer

    Cornell University

    Ute Stephan

    Full Professor | King's College London

    Nan Jia

    University of Southern California

    Josh Keller

    University of New South Wales

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    Providence College

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    University of Amsterdam

    Jean-Pascal Gond

    Bayes Business School City University London

    Amanda Cowen

    McIntire School of Commerce

    Erin Marie Reid

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    Katherine Ann DeCelles

    University of Toronto

    Michelle Duguid

    Cornell University

    Theodore L. Hill

    Full Professor | Temple U Fox School of Business

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    University of Virginia

    Alex B. Bitektine

    JMSB, Concordia University

    Christopher Barnes

    National University of Singapore

    Charlotte Cloutier

    Full Professor | HEC Montreal

    Libby Leann Weber

    Broad College of Business, Michigan State University

    Alexis Nicole Smith

    Assistant Professor | Oklahoma State University

    Jennifer Nahrgang

    University of Iowa

    Managing Editor


    Irina Burns

    Academy of Management

    Irina Burns joined AOM in 2015 with many years of publishing experience, focusing primarily on journals and copyright. She is currently Senior Managing Editor for Academy of Management Perspectives and Academy of Management Review, as well as Licensing Services Manager for the Academy.

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